Monday, November 4, 2019

Chapter Eight: Let Fates Decide

Chapter Eight: Let Fates Decide

            A medium-sized, glowing orb floated before Hades, depicting an image of Genevieve Marie, Christina Melnitz, Cody Martin, and the Ajax Ghost Exterminators leaving the ravaged Ghostbusters HQ in a taxicab. His flames grew reddish-orange and intense in response to his increasing rage over the failure of his “fool-proof” plan. He was on the verge of exploding again until Pain, Panic, and the Fates (Lachesis, Clotho, and Atropos) appeared behind him. The short and stout Fate with the purple skin and a single eye socket and known as Atropos said, “We can show you the future, if it’ll give you peace.”

            “Nothing can give me peace right now!” Hades yelled, his booming voice forcing Pain and Panic to cower behind the Fates. “Seriously, I had a better time trying to eliminate ‘Jerkules’ than these lame mortals!”

            The tallest of the three Fates with blue skin and a long nose and known as Lachesis remarked, “But they can be stopped, Hades...just like all mortals who dare challenge the higher powers.”

            Hades’ flames settled down a little, as he started to realize how right the Fates were. “Okay, okay. You’re right. You’re absolutely right,” he said. “I mean, look at the scenario: they’ve got nuclear accelerators and we’ve got the cosmos on our side. It’s like a no-win situation for them.”

            “That is, until they get the team back together…then it’s, uh, game over,” Panic mentioned, which resulted in Hades’ fury returning, the flames on his body getting brighter and more intense. Seeing this, Panic began to do what he did best. “Oh, no!”

            Luckily for him, Pain was there to set things right again. “But they’re miles apart from each other now. Those geeks won’t get them back in time for your ‘great plan’, Your Evilness.”

            “Right, right, right,” Hades repeated, calming down again.

            “But, then again, last time I checked the ‘Manhattan Phone Book’, all their names are still listed,” Pain added. “So, I guess they’re, like…still living in the same city.”

            And Hades’ fury returned soon afterwards, much more intense than before, causing the entire rooftop of the Tipton Hotel to quake. The Fates, already knowing what was about to happen (of course), disappeared from the scene. Pain and Panic, realizing how the Fates’ disappearance left them exposed to the fury of Hades, screamed in horror; but the screams were soon drained out, just as Hades exploded, emitting a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke from all sides of the rooftop area.

            As soon as the smoke had cleared, every inch of the rooftop was covered in ash, along with Pain and Panic, who were stuck to the wall of the Temple. Hades remained in the center of it all, panting like crazy. It wasn’t very long before the Fates reappeared, the only ones other than Hades that were unscathed from the whole thing.

            “As we were saying,” said Clotho—the green-skinned Fate with a large chin and wormlike hair, “the future for these pathetic mortals will be anything but victorious. Whether they reunite the Ghostbusters or not, you shall still rule the living world, Lord Hades.”

            Hades wanted to be thrilled by this revelation; but something kept him from feeling that way. “The last time you told me that, I ended up being sucker-punched into the River Styx!”

            “And, if it were not for me, you would still be swimming with all those poor unfortunate souls,” said an unknown voice that came from the edge of the rooftop.

            “Wha…Who?” Hades moved to the edge and glanced over it. A long, black tentacle suddenly shot up in front of his face, startling him; then another and another and another came. Before the Lord of the Underworld knew it, he was witnessing the bizarre arrival of Ursula the Sea Witch. A supernatural creature of the cecaelia race, Ursula was head, arms, and torso combined with tentacles.

            The obese, purple-skinned, and white-haired Sea Witch spoke in a deep, flamboyant tone to Hades. “I thought I’d be stuck in limbo forever, after that little mermaid’s human lover-boy stuck a sunken ship through me.”

            “Well, I guess we all can’t have more G-rated endings now, can we?” Hades sarcastically remarked.

            “The point is I rescued you from a fate that no god should ever experience,” Ursula said. “And the way I see it, you owe me…big time.”

            Hades chuckled, not so intimidated by the sea witch’s presence. “What kind of thing do you deserve? Other than a better direct-to-video sequel?”

            “A chance at controlling the seven seas!” Ursula quickly responded. “If you’re getting revenge on the Ghostbusters, then I want in.”

            “That’s just the thing, sweetheart,” said Hades. “It’s all about revenge. This isn’t just another Saturday Morning Cartoon scheme. We’re talking about beyond world takeover here. I’m gonna unleash a fury that no one has ever seen before.”

            Ursula grinned. “And how exactly do you intend on doing that, Hades? Since when do you have the powers of Zeus?”

            Hades was about to retort, but then realized that he did not quite have a good answer to Ursula’s question. He had pretty much been making things up as he went along. The whole ordeal with Cerberus was just his way of going for broke; not even the Fates had anything to do with that.

            Wait! The Fates! They can bail me out of this!

            “My trustworthy overseers have assured me of a powerful victory,” he said, approaching the Fates and putting his arms around them. “Isn’t that right, my gorgeous, lovely friends?”

            The Fates were highly flattered by his words, each flashing a disgusting, toothless smile that nearly made Ursula sick. “Lord Hades will be supreme ruler of the living realm,” said Atropos. “All of these mortals shall be his minions to control…”

            “…to corrupt…” Lachesis added.

            “…to abuse…” Clotho also added.

            “…for all eternity!” The three Fates exclaimed.

            “YES! BRING ON THE REAL HAPPILY EVER AFTER, BABY!” Hades cheered.

            Ursula mockingly applauded. “Bravo, Hades. But there’s still the matter of all the other goody-two-shoes out there, like your brother, Zeus. You think he’ll sit by and let you take over this precious realm?”

            “You think you could do any better?” Hades asked, and Ursula grinned at him in reply. “O.K., Sea Witch. Show me whatcha got.”

            “With pleasure!” She remarked, before slithering back towards the edge of the rooftop and going over it, disappearing before Hades’ eyes.

            The Lord of the Underworld scoffed at the sea witch, mimicking her departing words in a high-pitched tone. “With pleasure!” He then grumbled, returning to his throne.

            “Hades,” Clotho said. “There is one more thing we forgot to mention.”

            “No, no! Let’s just leave it with me kicking the Ghostbusters’ butts and watching them kick Ursula’s,” Hades remarked. “I’m in too much of a good mood now to let any technicalities affect me of following my destiny.”

            The Fates shrugged their shoulders and folded their arms. “Suit yourself,” said Lachesis, sniffing the spider living in her nose back up, after it tried to make an escape.

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