Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chapter Six: Ajax Ghost Exterminators

Chapter Six: Ajax Ghost Exterminators

Present Day

            Zack was so lost in thought that he totally missed the fact that his brother had been calling his name repeatedly for the past several minutes. Only when he waved his hand out in front of him did he snap out of his flashback. “Wh…Huh?!”

            “I believe I just set the record for the number of times I’ve said ‘Zack’ for sixty minutes straight,” Cody sarcastically said. “You must’ve been thinking of something awfully good to miss what Mr. Moseby just did.”

            “What? Did he do cartwheels like that time he found out Mr. Tipton was giving him a raise?” Zack asked.

            “No, he just called the only available ghost-hunting team in New York to substitute for the ones that quit last year,” Cody said. “The original Ghostbusters: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy.”

            Zack cringed. “That was the best he could do? Those guys are like the great-grandfathers of ghost hunters.”

            “Well, it was the best we can do. Ajax Ghost Exterminators have been in business for nearly seventy-one years now, and just came out of mid-retirement on their seventieth anniversary last year.”

            “And that’s supposed to make us feel better how?”

            At that moment, someone went through the revolving door at the hotel entrance and was spun around so quickly in it that he flew out and soared several feet, crashing into a nicely decorated table. It turned out that this clumsy figure was Goofy, one-third of Ajax Ghost Exterminators.

            Cody rushed to his aid. “Are you alright?” Cody asked.

            “Relax, dude,” Zack said. “It’s just Goofy.”

            Goofy tipped his green hat to Zack and Cody and said, “Ajax Ghost Exterminators at your service!”

            Cody could barely contain his joy at meeting the animated figure. “Oh, wow! This is a real honor, sir! I’ve never met a living legend before!”

            “Sure you have,” Zack contradicted. “Remember when you freaked out over—”

            “Can we please not go there?!” Cody quickly interjected.

            Soon Mickey and Donald entered the hotel, having quite the opposing expressions on their faces: Mickey’s was more joyous, while Donald was somewhat fierce. “Anybody seen any ghosts?” Mickey asked with excitement, feeling glad to be back in action after so long.

            Mr. Moseby approached the two characters and smiled as he told them, “Welcome! Welcome! We are so glad to have you here! It is always a pleasure to have the greatest American icons here at the Tipton.”

            “Just tell us where the ghost is,” Donald gruffly commanded.

            Despite the duck’s crazy semi-intelligible speech, Moseby knew right away from the look on his face that this was all business with him, not pleasure. “They’re on the rooftop.”

            “C’mon, fellas,” Mickey told his teammates, as he held his shotgun ready. “We’ve got work to do.”

            The three ghost-hunters headed over to the nearest elevator and climbed inside. As the doors closed in front of them, Cody, Zack, and Moseby each gave them a thumb up. Just after the doors closed, Zack uttered, “They’re gonna get annihilated, aren’t they?”

            “They don’t even have a prayer,” Moseby remarked.

            Cody gawked at the both of them and shook his head. “O ye of little faith.”

            “O ye who’re about to get their butts kicked,” Zack bantered, walking off and leaving a hopeful Cody feeling suddenly nervous. As a last minute decision, he rushed over to an elevator that had just opened and climbed in, heading to the rooftop himself.


            It was a scene almost eerily similar to the event that occurred on the rooftop of the Tipton in 2004. The only exception was that things were ten times more terrifying as blue smoke emerged from beyond the temple doors, which looked as if they had been blown open by dynamite. However, the temple was not there; instead, there was a long, dark stairway leading to a black throne where none other than Hades, Lord of the dead, was sitting and smoking a cigar.

            Mickey, Donald, and Goofy slowly emerged from the doorway leading onto the rooftop; their demeanors had changed almost instantly the moment they made it there. Their ghost-catching “equipment” quivered in their grips as they crept across the smoking atmosphere. They fought hard not to breathe any of the smoke, not knowing what kind of harmful effects it could have on them. Mickey breathed in a little and coughed hard. It smells like brimstone, he thought.

            Hades, seeing the three “Wannabe Ghostbusters,” laughed and said, “I ask for the Superstars of the Supernatural, and they give me just plain old superstars instead?”

            “The jig’s up, Hades!” Mickey exclaimed, doing his best to sound brave.

            “Yeah,” added Donald, also trying.

            “Leave the nice folks in this hotel alone!” Goofy demanded.

            The calm, cool demeanor that had been on Hades’ face quickly started to change into a heavily stressed, twisted look of sheer anger while the cigar in his mouth exploded; coincidentally, his attitude did as well. “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR ANY MICKEY MOUSE JUNK!”

            His body flamed up and his furious voice echoed throughout the creepy night atmosphere, making the trio in front of him nearly jump out of their skins (literally, in a toon’s case). Between the shivers, Goofy brought himself to say, “I guess ya don’t have time for any Donald Duck junk either.”

            “Will you shut up?!” Donald retorted.

            The flames on Hades’ body began to recede, forcing him to stay calm again. “Okay. Okay. Look. All I want is for you boys to get me the Ghostbusters. That’s all. And I’ll leave your pretty little realm alone.”

            “B-But, Hades,” stammered Mickey, “The Ghostbusters have split up.”

            “They’re retired,” Goofy added.

            Hades chuckled. “I don’t think you guys heard me. I want the Ghostbusters…NOW!” On that last word, his body flamed up again; this time, in the reddish-orange color. “I don’t care if they’re retired or expired…actually, that second one doesn’t sound so bad…but, anyways, I want them here right here, right now!”

            “How’re we supposed to find them?” Mickey asked.

            “You’re the sorcerer…FIGURE IT OUT!” Hades’ flame grew to immense proportions, shooting out towards Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. The three fell back from the staircase and headed back to the doorway.

            As soon as they safely made it away from the rooftop, they took a moment to catch their breath. “Did you get him?” asked a voice that scared the living daylights out of the three exterminators. They turned to see Cody Martin, the boy from downstairs in the lobby, standing in the hall leading to the elevator.

            “No, we didn’t get him!” Donald squawked. “He wants the Ghostbusters! Not us!”

            “The Ghostbusters?” Cody said. “But they’re…”

            “Retired,” said the three exterminators. “We know!”

            Cody was silent for quite a while, and then he curiously asked, “So…what are you guys going to do?”

            “What else?” Mickey hopelessly queried. “Give ‘im what he wants.”

            Cody’s eyes widened in shock and surprise. “But you can’t do that! Hades is the Lord of the Underworld! He’ll destroy us all!”

            “Well, we can’t do anything. He’s way too powerful for either of us,” Mickey said.

            “Gwarsh! If only we had those nifty machines that those Ghostbuster fellers carried around, we’d really be somethin’!” Goofy contemplated.

            “Yeah!” Donald agreed. “Then we’d show Hades!”

            Mickey scratched his chin in curiosity and then snapped his fingers with a look of revelation on his face. “Fellas, that’s it! We’ll just use their equipment! I’m sure there’s some left at their old headquarters.”

            “Of course there is!” Cody cheered. “Zack and I skateboard through there every now and then. It’s barely boarded up, so there shouldn’t be any problem getting in.” Mickey, Donald, and Goofy looked at Cody curiously, making him feel a bit sheepish. “What? It isn’t a crime, if there aren’t any signs.”

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